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Boarding Form

Thank you for choosing our Boarding Facilities!

Our facilities will allow your pet to be as comfortable as possible while you are away. Please feel free to contact us for a tour of our facilities at any time. Please do not assume your boarding arrangements are confirmed until we have contacted you to confirm the requested dates.

IMPORTANT: Boarding dates and arrangements are not confirmed until you have received notification. A staff member will contact you by phone or email.
    New & Existing Clients: If we have not seen your pet before or your pet goes elsewhere for services,you will need to bring in, or email all medical records for us to review and update according to our boarding protocols.
  • ***New Clients*** Please plan to give us ~15-20 minutes of your time so you can fill out new client information sheet, review any medical records, and discuss any special needs for your pets stay. ***Existing Clients***: If your pet needs to have medical services done, it is best to drop your pet off before 12pm so we have time to monitor your pet for any adverse reactions.
  • We are closed on Sunday (but we still have staff come in to take care of your pet!). If you have scheduled for your pet to have grooming/bathing services on departure date, our Groomer will call you with a pick-up time.
  • Exit bath includes the bathing with shampoo, ear cleaning, external anal gland expression and a nail trim.
  • We are closed for business hours on Sunday. This cannot be done on a Sunday. If you have scheduled for your pet to have grooming/bathing services on departure date, our Groomer will call you with a pick-up time.